Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bacon's REBELLION and Pontiac's REBELLION

Sam Lao


Native American Conflict

27 January 2014


Bacon’s Rebellion

In James town history the first and only Rebellion is from the Virginia citizens, on the year of 1676 and which consider as the first revolution in America. From nowadays the point of view on this Bacon's Rebellions over the hundred of year have another perspective on this, which this is no way a rebellions of glory fights toward the tyranny and it is more of a rebellions of Bacon's self greed and only benefit himself. ("Bacon's Rebellion")


Nathaniel Bacon led Bacon Rebellion as we known, and the cause of this Rebellion is by high taxes, deceases price of tobacco, and citizen from Virginia refuse to the rule and special privilege from the government they are in. The governors Sir William Berkeley, which all of these influence them to come up together go against the Jamestown Government ("Bacon's Rebellion"). Sir William Berkeley does not agree with Nathaniel Bacon's idea of against all Native America especially the ones who live interior. Then Bacon gathers a large amount of follower who trusted Bacon and would present their life to him, they are mostly come from the Virginia. It was on the date of 1675 after Sir William Berkeley refuse about Bacon's idea of attacking the Natives he began to lead his followers in a crusade fight with the Native tribes. They first start off with one of the friendly tribe name Occaneechees, ask them to attack other unfriendly tribe to become their allies. When the Occaneechees warriors come back from the captives of unfriendly tribes, Bacon kill them all and his allies Occaneechees. ("People & Events Bacon's Rebellion 1675 - 1676")


After Berkeley know the news from the Occaneechees he declared the next time Bacon return Jamestown he will be arrested and put into jail, with 50 soldiers standing in the front door of Jamestown. At the same time, Bacon was back to Jamestown, but this time he brings 500 men with him. Berkeley could only give up the commission of capturing Bacon, and then he run to the main government asks for help, even though Bacon notices the declaration he still attacking the Native tribes. When government got the news, they immediately run away from this place. A while later, government start sending letters to Bacon tell them stop what they were doing. Bacon did not listen; they set the Jamestown on fire on the September of 1676. ("People & Events Bacon's Rebellion 1675 - 1676")


The Rebellion lately ended after the British sent a royal force to suppress the rebel. And the rebellion was completely ended with the dead of Bacon on October by dysentery. ("People & Events Bacon's Rebellion 1675 - 1676")


Pontiac's Rebellion

Pontiac Rebellion is a war between the Great Lakes region refuse the control of the British, it happens after the French and Indian War. In this war, the French was the alliances with the Lakes region. British men was not good as the French they do not give any gift to the Great Lakes when they settle in their land. Time after time, the English displacing the Indian apart from their lands, which make the Indian thought they was preparing a war against them. This was the War of Pontiac and it is name after him the chief of Ottawa tribe and it last 3 years, from the 1763 to 1766. The Great Lakes include the Ottawa, Ojibwa, Shawnee, Miami, Huron, Seneca and Potawatomi are within this uprising. ("Pontiac’s Rebellion")


In the May of 1763 the War finally explode, "American Indians unsuccessfully besieged Fort Detroit"(" Pontiac’s Rebellion "). When the British arrived and began a fight with the Great Lakes, they were defeated on the Battle of Bloody Run by the time of July 13, 1763. The Indian gather and have plan to fight against the British, they were planning to use the forest because they were good at it and they trick the settlers to go in and be killed. This happen on the June 22, 1763, while the settler was still living in the forts the Indians came and killed dozens of British. Until the September of 1763 the Indian hold up a large group of 300 warriors to attack straightly at the supply train in the Fort Niagara, from this attack there are 72 British soldiers was killed and it is known as Devil's Hole Massacre. ("Pontiac’s Rebellion") In the spring of 1764, the British realize there are many solutions to end this war, and then they sent out two British armies to meet with Pontiac and ask him to signed treaty with British on 1766. He would sign the treaty because there are diseases such as Smallpox going around the tribes and they fail to persuade alliance to continue the Rebellion. And this come to a end of Pontiac's Rebellion. ("May 7, 1763: Pontiac's Rebellion begins")



From the two Rebellions that I have discus about from above, they were apart from one whole century but there are still many similarities between the two. They both were an uprising toward the British Government and wanting to get way with their control and they have a pattern of being extremely preponderance at the beginning and end up with failing on the Rebellion. On the other hand, there are also many differences between them. One is the Bacon's Rebellion were the uprising from the British colonials and the Pontiac's Rebellion is from the whole Great Lake region was going against the British and with some help from the French. Another difference would be the Bacon's Rebellion did not have much British that is killed or dead beside there are a lot of Indians that are sacrifice from this Rebellion, and on the opposite the Pontiac's Rebellion there are a lot British soldiers and settle that is dead. Even though the two Rebellions have a century gap between they still have a lot of similarities and differences from one another.

Work Cited:


l  Jen Loux, William and Mary Intern. Bacon's Rebellion. nps.gov. National Park Service. Nov 1995. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.


l  "People & Events Bacon's Rebellion 1675 - 1676". pbs.org. WGBH. 1998-1999. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.


l  "May 7, 1763: Pontiac's Rebellion begins". mrnussbaum.com. Nussbaum Education Network,LLC. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.


l  "Pontiac’s Rebellion". history.com. A&E Television Networks, LLC. 1996-2014. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.


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